

Let’s Work Together

Maharashtra, India


Just Say the Word,

We Can Do it all!


One-stop platform for your desire to reach out to the masses. CRAPSSS achieves the ideal balance of creativity, strategic thought, and a clear message for the proper audience. We make every effort to collaborate with our clients at perfect angles, smooth points, and accurate vertices. We match parallelism of enthusiasm and rational strategies with a diverse range of competence, abilities, and creativity as a team. We make every effort to satisfy our customers.

The word 'CRAPSSS' brings together the strong values and ethics we believe and abide by


shows our ability to be different and unparalleled from our competitors.


defines our ongoing success over the time.


where we stick to a relative position of alliance with our potential customers.


demonstrates our ability to make everything approachable to our customers and their customers, respectively.


design & creative

Design & Creatives

Let's start with the most basic way of looking at things.

Digital Marketing

Ready to grow your digital presence with us.

Digital Strategy

Let us think for you what the user is going to type.

Data Analytics

We use analytics to drive decision-making that clarify the path.

Rise to the top

Increase Sales

Imagine a marketing program that costs you little or nothing.

count on us

The ROI Experts

Marketing ROI Experts supports clients in the succesful implementation of Data-Driven Marketing, Marketing Automation and Performance Optimization. We help to develop the right strategy for you.

try, try again

Best Practices

The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and testing, the desired outcome can be delivered with fewer problems and unforeseen complications.

We Have Great Answers

Ask Us Anything

Digital marketing allows businesses to raise brand awareness, share information about products, engage with the audience, and monitor online reputation. Digital advertising allows businesses to advertise and promote products, offer discounts or specials, and attract buying customers. Simply put, digital marketing establishes a target consumer audience while digital advertising drives this audience to sales.

When first getting started with marketing automation, determine the routine marketing activities your company participates in on a daily basis. This includes posting on social media, social media engagement, research, emails, track analytics, and project management. All of these tasks can be pre-scheduled and automated to save time and maximize efficiency. 

All of us at CRAPSSS are big believers in email marketing campaigns, as all small businesses should be. Unlike social media platforms, emails are personal and individualized to your most loyal consumers. The email content is designed specifically for individuals who are interested in and have agreed to receive email communications from your company. Emails allow you to communicate directly with your audience, which can turn an interested user into an active consumer.

Before creating any content, ask yourself this question: “What am I trying to say and who am I saying it to?” Defining your purpose and audience is the most important step in content marketing. Once you find your voice, you will be able to design effective content that will catch the eyes of your audience. Once you have their attention, use short optimized copy to get your purpose across.

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Monday – Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM IST.

Paid social media advertising works similarly to paid search advertising in the fact that cost is often accrued on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis — that is, you pay only for the traffic that is delivered to your website from the advertisement. That said, there are two noteworthy differences between paid social media advertising and paid search advertising:

  1. Paid social media advertising targets buyers during different stages of their buyer’s journey (awareness, consideration, decision), where paid search advertising mostly targets people in the consideration and decision stages.
  2. Paid social media advertising is “passive” in that the advertisement is delivered to people that match certain audience criteria as opposed to paid search advertising where the advertisement is delivered to people based on their “active” keyword search on websites like Google, YouTube, etc.

We’ve worked with startups whose main goal was list growth and development, growing them from zero subscribers to more than two thousand in 90 days. 

We’ve also worked with clients who had lists with hundreds of thousands of emails and worked to segment, optimize, and grow their lists in alignment with larger digital campaign objectives.

We strive to make our clients happy

So, let's be happy together